Voxstra Artists
music recording
Music Recording – Hints & Tips

music recordingMusic Recording Hints & Tips

Music is an art that transcends boundaries and touches the soul of the listener. If you wish to create music that resonates with your audience, you need to focus on not just the music and composition but also the recording quality. The quality of sound is essential in producing a clean and polished finished recording. In this blog, we will provide hints and tips on music and sound recording to help upcoming musicians and recording artists produce professional-sounding recordings.

Room to Record in

Before you start the recording process, ensure you have the right room for the job. If you plan to record vocals or acoustic instruments, look for a room that has minimal background noise. A small, dead space with low reverberation is ideal to bring out the natural sound of instruments.

Music Recording Microphones and Types

Microphones are one of the most essential pieces of equipment in sound recording. Choose a microphone based on your recording needs. For vocals, a condenser microphone is ideal, while a dynamic mic works best for amplifiers and drum kits. There are different types of microphones that you can use, including USB mics, shotgun mics, and lavalier mics.

Other Equipment

In addition to microphones, you will need other equipment such as mic stands, pop filters, shock mounts, and XLR cables. These accessories come in handy to reduce unwanted noise and vibrations during the recording process.

Digital Audio Interfaces

Digital Audio Interfaces (DAIs) are necessary to convert analog signals into digital signals that your computer can read. The right DAI will provide clean preamps with low latency for real-time recording. Choose a DAI with several input channels to cater to multiple microphone inputs.

Mixing Desks

Mixing desks allow you to control and adjust various tracks and signals to create a perfect mix. You can choose between analog or digital mixers, with the latter offering more flexibility and control.


Digital Audio Workstations (DAWs) are software programs that allow you to record, manipulate, and edit sound. Choose a DAW that suits your style and budget. Some popular DAWs include Logic Pro X, Ableton Live, and Pro Tools.

Equipment Positioning and Placement

How you position the microphone and other equipment in your recording space will significantly impact the overall sound quality. Invest in an acoustical treatment material such as sound-absorbing panels to lessen the reflection of sound waves and eliminate reverb.

Mixing and Mastering

Mixing and mastering are the final stages of the recording process. During mixing, you combine all the recorded tracks, adjust sound levels, and add effects for better sound quality. Mastering involves making the final touches to your music for an overall clean and professional finish. It is advisable to master with professional-grade speakers and headphones to ensure the best possible sound.

In conclusion, the quality of your music and sound recording will significantly depend on the equipment you use and how you use it. With the hints and tips outlined in this blog, you can create professional-quality recording that captures the essence of your music. Remember to find the right equipment, position it well, record in the right environment, mix and master with care, and your recording will be a work of art that people will love and appreciate. Voxstra can help, get in touch now. 

small independent record label
Small Independent Record Label

small independent record labelSmall Independent Record Label – why sign?

Are you a talented musician or artist who’s been wondering how to take your career to the next level? You might be considering signing with a major record label like Sony Music, but have you thought of the benefits of considering a small independent record label instead?

At a time when indie music is gaining more exposure, small independent record labels are becoming increasingly significant players in the music industry. Here are some of the reasons why you should consider signing with one of these labels:

1. Creative Control

Signing with a small independent record label can give you more creative control. You can work closely with your producer and label team to create the type of sound and style that you want. You have more autonomy in your creative process, allowing you to stay true to your sound and artistic vision.

2. Personal Attention

Signing with a small independent record label means you will get more personal attention from your label and team. You’ll have direct access to the people who can help take your career to the next level. These individuals are less likely to be spread too thin, meaning they can give you their full attention, time, and energy.

3. Collaboration Opportunities

Small independent record labels are more likely to collaborate with their artists. Rather than treating their artists as collaborators, they are likely to collaborate with them, which can lead to more respect and recognition.

4. Flexibility

Small independent record labels are more likely to be flexible in their contracts and agreements. They may have less rigid rules regarding recording or touring and are inclined to work with you to customize a plan that suits your specific needs.

5. Building a Fanbase

Signing with a small independent record label can help you build your fan base. Because you receive more personal attention, your label can help you more effectively engage with your audience. They can also help expose you to new audiences through promotions, gigs, and tours.

In conclusion, it’s essential to remember that success in the music industry isn’t always about signing with a major record label. Consider the benefits of signing with a small independent record label, even if they can’t offer you a sizeable signing-on fee or powerful promotion. The creative control, personal attention, collaboration opportunities, flexibility, and fan base building support are perks worth considering when making your decision. So go ahead and explore this ever-growing music industry opportunity, have a look at Voxstra Artists!